Sorry. Private joke between me and the boyfriend.
(He's the only one who reads this blog anyhow.)
This is the last banana from that gawd awful green bunch I bought last Monday the 7th.
Fortune: With a little more hard work, your creativity takes you to great heights!
yeeeeeeeeehaww, you put dem bananas in a paper bag, baby. YOU DO IT NOW!
I did, foo'.
You don't tell me - I'm in charge.
Not true! You have other readers!
(I don't need to know about the banana joke.)
Kim, it's not a banana joke.
It's really a bah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah yeehaw joke.
It's like a country/hick guitar sound. Cuz our people is hicks from the sticks... (Naw, boyfriend & I are not related!) It looked like a banana when I wrote it out. Ya know?
And thanks for reading.
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